by blake | Jul 4, 2020 | Facebook, Social Archives
Make more music? OK, I will thanks! Right here in Retromatic Studios….I have so much to do and so little time….
by blake | Jul 3, 2020 | Facebook, Social Archives
For a little Guinness and song writing since I am still keeping myself locked down. Here is a little teaser of one I just recently wrote. Mostly complete with a vocal scratch track. It’s got sax appeal baby 🙂...
by blake | Jul 1, 2020 | Facebook, Social Archives
Almost done with the duplication, not many more to go. Then the labeling starts…..oh joy that is a pain….But will look good in the end. Still debating on the cover printing…Black and White or with the added purple…I can do the b&w right...
by blake | Jun 29, 2020 | Facebook, Social Archives
Already working on new material and Remembering The Future hasn’t even been released yet. Oh boy am I on a roll! NEW ONES The Disease Love Amplified OLD ONES FINALLY RECORDED Can’t Get Through Lust (I was 12 when I wrote this) Please Tel Me Rock...
by blake | Jun 28, 2020 | Facebook, Social Archives
This deck is awesome. Working perfectly. Recording 2 tapes at once. Super cool! Check out the unboxing!...
by blake | Jun 26, 2020 | Facebook, Social Archives
Here is a little teaser for something from the next release after the one coming up this summer. A vocal scratch track, the song is called Love Amplified.