New Tracks Released

New Tracks Released

Hello world, I have released some new tracks for your listening pleasure. Dark Roads, which was originally released under Quintus Elementum is now re-released as a Blake Carpenter track. 2 other tracks, Fallen Angel and Terre Noire are also released. I will be...
Pre-orders are open for Concrete Jungle!

Pre-orders are open for Concrete Jungle!

Yes, pre-orders are being taken for Concrete Jungle right now. Get 4 tracks today and the rest on the 30th of July. Concrete Jungle is the sophomore album from Blake Carpenter. Starting in December of 2020 Blake released 6 singles leading up to the release of this...
Lotus Moon Productions

Lotus Moon Productions

This past weekend I had the pleasure of hanging with Lotus Moon Productions for an interview. I was wired on my first coffee in over 2 m onths and you can hear me ramble on about my past, present and future! L O T U S M O O N P R O D U C T I O N S ยท LMP Music #24...
Big show this July!

Big show this July!

Many of you already know that I am releasing my cover of Mr. Roboto by Styx with Electrish on July 9th with the video premier on Static Realms Music Hour but what I have not told you is that there will also be another premier video of my song The Disease as well. The...
The Album Fundraiser Has Begun!

The Album Fundraiser Has Begun!

Hi my friends, I have finally started the fundraiser for the album Concrete Jungle. I am using Indiegogo for this as I have used them numerous times in the past. I hope you find the perk to be satisfactory and that you find one that you would like to grab to help me...