New album coming soon!
Hey everyone, there is a new album coming soon featuring yours truly. Coalition - Bridge Across Time. Music composed by Steve Gresswell, Guitar by Colin Tench and vocals written and performed by Blake Carpenter. This is an epic story of trials and tribulations with 9...
Hello out there…..
I'm back , I'm coming to get you and I am rip roaring ready to go and make some new noise. I have a project to finish with Petri "Lemmy " Lindström that is a pure rock and roll extravaganza as well as at least one track for Jack Potters next album. The Minstrel's...
While I was prepping vocals for another project I got a little side tracked….. Enjoy!
Time Goes By
Time goes by so fast where did it go time goes by so fast tell me where oh where did it go Seems like yesterday we were only children we’d go out and play without a fear in sight but much to our dismay the times they are a changing this world is in disarray...
The Path
The path you choose is yours to follow Know yourself and know your way diversion leads to greater knowledge so stray Never let anyone guide you ask them to join it is far better experience the wonder of the unknown together Sometimes the chosen road may seem...
No Cause for Alarm (From Madness – A Vampires Story)
No cause for alarm these feelings that you have are doing you no harm Even though there’s pain deep inside It will pass in a moments time But for now won’t you take this drink it will surely help you think of how you’re going to live your life now that you’re a...
By The Light
By the light of the moon I wander silently through the fields digging deep inside for some sense of truth somewhere beyond reality there must be a road that takes us to the answers and sets us free