I’m back , I’m coming to get you and I am rip roaring ready to go and make some new noise. I have a project to finish with Petri “Lemmy ” Lindström that is a pure rock and roll extravaganza as well as at least one track for Jack Potters next album. The Minstrel’s Ghost’s forthcoming album “Jack: A Different Tale” is nearly finished and we hope to have it out by March next year at the latest. I also have some pretty cool things in store from my solo vault that I hope will make at least a few of you smile so keep an ear out for that as well. Please, if you have not already, go and join The Minstrel’s Ghost fan club, you will receive our fairly regular newsletter as well as have access to the members only pages on the website with free music, rehearsal samples as well as some demos from future Minstrel’s releases.