Welcome to my nightmare!

Welcome to my nightmare!

Well, the deck I was using to make tape dupes decided to be finicky, while it plays fine and records fine, dubbing on the deck is not so good and single tape recording will be extremely time consuming and not worth putting a 28 year old deck through all that hard...
The Facebook Sunday Funday!

The Facebook Sunday Funday!

Yep that’s right, Sunday is the fun day for everyone else. Me, I work, everyday! If I am not recording I am mixing, if I am not mixing I am mastering, if I am not mastering I am working on a video project for my music, if I am not making the videos I am editing...
The DX7 unboxing, a story in pictures!

The DX7 unboxing, a story in pictures!

Here it is, the DX7 I purchased. I am super excited, an 11 year old boy could never have afforded one of these when they came out! Sound tests to come, watch out for those videos!   A big box So much foam Rom cartridges Breath controller Getting there It’s...
Already working on the next album!

Already working on the next album!

Yep, that’s right, already have a slew of songs to choose from for the next release. Some old and some new this time but all will have that 80’s sound and feel. The next one will have a real Yamaha DX7 on it instead of a soft synth version….wooo...


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